Adding LR


My tank is established and I just bought 20-25 lbs. of LR from this site. How long do I need to keep it in my holding tank? Will it start a mini-cycle if I just put it right in?


Well, to be absolutely Sorry. Usually lr has some die off, and depending on the size of your tank, you probably will get some ammonia.


Active Member
I purchased 45 pounds of live rock for my 55 tank and did not experience an ammonia spike. The rock smelled fresh so I took a BIG chance and placed it right in my tank loaded with fish. Are you running a protein skimmer on your tank? This will help with the spike. If your rock stinks...DO NOT put in in your tank right away.............. It probably has some die-off. :cool:


Active Member
Holding tank for 2-4 will need a good protein skimmer and some power heads if you have a lot of die-off. Send me an email at and I can send you links to sites of how to cure your live rock. Even if you purchased the rock cured, there is always some die-off in shipping. The only site I am aware of that ships live rock in water is tamp bay salt water...and it is expensive as you get to pay for the water weight in shipping. :cool: