Adding LS


Active Member
the basics of my tank:
75 gallon set up since December, running fine
have: 4 blue devil damels, and 1 orange damsel
1 Coral Beauty, 1 Blue Regal Tang (small),
1 Scotter Blenny, 2 urchins (pincushion),
3 anemones and 10 Turbo Snails.
Also have LR (about 80-85 lbs) and LS about 3 inches worth. 1 power sweep (going to get another soon), a protien skimmer, and of course the filter, a whisper 3 (had two but had to make room for the skimmer).
The question is I know I need to add more live sand for the DSB, is it ok to just add (gently to not disturb the tank mates) or should I remove all but the LR and put in QT tank? Which is better? thanks in advance ;)


Active Member
I would just add it gently to the rest of your sand. I have done it before without taking anything out and it worked fine and didn't disturb anything.


Active Member
Thank you Carrie, did any changes occur with the parameters? anything else I need to look out for?
Seems to easy, so I am still alittle weary. Thanks again ;)

ed r

If your existing sand is good fine grained stuff, you should keep that. As mentioned you want to it gently, but also not too much at a time. If you add a 1/4 or so, the critters will have no trouble getting through to the surface of the sand. If you add an inch or more, you run the risk of burying/smothering the infauna. Add a little, wait a week, then add more. End up with 4-6 inches. Good luck.


Active Member
Adding the sand did not affect anything. The only thing that happend is that I added the sand a little too fast and the tank was cloudy for a couple of days, but thats pretty much it. And like Ed said don't add too much at one time or you might bury something.


Active Member
Thanks again Carrie and Ed. I'm glad its that easy. I will add it slow, funds dont allow for much right now so that is not a problem. Thanks again ;)