adding LS?


We sucked up some of our sand when we did a water change to get rid of some of the bacteria I'm battling with and I was wondering about adding another bag? How do u do it? Oh and I took some LR's out and washed them and didnt' know better but I let them dry out should I just let them cycle in a bucket, with a powerhead and heater? Thanks!


Originally Posted by cabin7882
We sucked up some of our sand when we did a water change to get rid of some of the bacteria I'm battling with and I was wondering about adding another bag? How do u do it? Oh and I took some LR's out and washed them and didnt' know better but I let them dry out should I just let them cycle in a bucket, with a powerhead and heater? Thanks!
The sand I would rinse and only add a bit at a time maybe cover half the bottom one day then wait maybe 3-4 days and add the other half.I read a post on how to add sand florida joe had a great idea
rinse the sand then put in ziplock baggies sink them to the bottom then open the bag and slowly pour out it will help prevent a dust storm. The rock I would definately do in a bucket and cycle it that way you could even add a piece of LR out of your tank to help the process along.


When I added some LS to my already running tank, I used a pvc tube to send it through into the tank, but then I found out about the ziplockbag method. Either one works fine, I tried both of them.


Active Member
IMO do not use live sand. Get dry and rinse it well. Live sand also contains dead stuff and if your biofilter is not up to the added bioload then it can cause an ammonia spike.