Adding More Rock


New Member
How do you guys do it, and I mean into the tank. I have 45lbs of rock and would like to add more but I know I will want to redesign my setup with the new rock but with all the little critters what do I do? Try to remove most of them into a holding bucket till I'm done or hope they move out of the way.


Active Member
yup take the coral and fish out. Whatever u cant catch just make sure u dont drop rocks on them.. all in all and easy process to do.... Just try to not stir the sand up to much


Active Member
I used to not worry about it when I only had fish, but the last few times I have added rock and done a little aquascaping, I do it during a water change-put corals in a bucket of old water I have drained out, then add rocks, finish the water change then put the corals back in. I don't worry about my fish-I keep hoping a rock will fall on one of my damsels and take it out.