Adding more sand?

salty jeff

Can I add new sand to my existing tank sand? I would add the same kind. I just want to build up the sand bed and replace the bit that I take out when I vacuum the tank once a week.


Active Member
There is no need to vacuum the tank if you are using live sand? To answer your question, yes you can add sand to an existing tank. Using a 2" PVC pipe will allow you to get the sand were you want it and not were you don't. Don't put in over 1/2" at a time to allow the critters to crawl up.


Active Member
ReefNut; great tip!
Do you find that adding the new sand using this technique that you still have the "cloud" to deal with or does it pretty much eliminate it?

salty jeff

Thanks for the tip ReefNut! No I'm not using live sand. Unless that white suger sand will become live over time. My next tank I WILL order LS for this website. I'm still learning.


Active Member
jumpfrog, it greatly reduces the clouds...
Salty Jeff, Sugar sand is a very good sand. If I were you, I would put in a bag of live sand. It will seed your sugar sand and in time it will all be LS.

salty jeff

Thanks again ReefNut. I'll add some LS instead. By the way how did you change the font on your tank discriptions?


Active Member
You have to use HTML code. There is a cheat sheet to the left of the sig box in your profile called vB code.
Good luck,