adding new fish


If I go and buy a new fish would it be possible to treat it in say like a rubbermaid container with a heater and a powerhead with copper treatment in it just to make sure that ich is not present on the fish or would this stress the fish out and kill it? Also if this is possible then how long would it have to be treated with copper to get rid of the ich on the fish if it did have it by chance?


Active Member
Well yes and no. You have the right idea by setting up a qt but you may as well get a 10 gallon tank. They are 12 dollars usually at the lfs by themselves. They are 11.99 here at least.... Go to the disease forum and find the sticky by beth. Should be 3 posts and have quite a few looks. Everything you need to know about QT tanks.
There is no point in coppering a fish unless he is sick. Like i said go to the sticky


I just thought it would be a safe option since I saw that my lfs puts their fish into a blue quarantine(blue from what I would presume is copper) and the fish seem to do fine.


Active Member
Jw is right. You always want to avoid chems if at all possible. Try and use them as a last resort. Lots of chem free preventative steps you can take to help treat fish like garlic, cleaner shrimp, hyposalinity, and even a proper fish food diet.....
Is the water blue or the tank painted blue OR are the lights casting a blue light? If the water is blue then its some sort of chem treatment they use. I've have seen it in over nighted fish bags sometimes. Its some sort of concentrated chem that keeps the water clean kind of like chlorine in a human pool but obiously not chlorine. Ask them what it is. I can't remember the name.