Tank is about 4 mos old and doing well--but I need to add more live rock. How should I go about doing this? Will it cause the tank to cycle again? How long after adding new LR should I wait before adding more coral or fish?
Even if you buy pre cured LR online you will get die off. So you will have to cure it again. If you go to the LFS and they have cured LR (and you trust your LFS). You can put it in your tank. This is from my own experience.
Do you agree Viper?
Yeah, mail ordered live rock will have to be recured because of all the die-off from shipping, and if you have corals and fish already in your tank, you'll have to cure it in some other container. Many people use large tupperware tubs. Get a power head and heater and let the stuff cycle for a while in the tub. And I'd really make sure about rock from LFSs too. Some of the stuff I have seen sold as cured in stores isn't at all.
Even if the lfs says the stuff us cured, I always add just a little at a time (10 pounds or so). I've had way too many ammonia spikes and mini cycles so that's my philisophy and I'm stickin' to it.