Adding new sand to active tank


New Member
I have a tank that has been up and running for almost 2 months now, and there is a little less sand than i want in my tank its a 10 gallon tank and i have fish and coral in there and i was wondering if i can add more without harming anything in the tank? and if there is a certain type to try and add as little disturbance as possible? Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
Take and put some sand in a small plastic cup and slowly sink it in the tank, then put it where you want a little at a time. Shouldn't be any problem, especially in such a small tank.
What are your tank inhabitants?


I am not so sure about that.. It is very possible that adding new live sand can cause a new cycle. I have seen it happen. I would used washed sand to be sure to avoid any losses


New Member
Weel I am now ::p I was just liking your advice lol, which reminds me could you let me knownwhat I need to do to switch my filters ? I just got my smaller one that you said I should get to help with the sand displacement


Well-Known Member

welcome to the site....
dead aragonite sand is prob best YES....
a lil LS though would only cause a mini cycle me thinks...e.g. u might get a small daitom bloom...