got krabs
ok i've been holing out but i thing i'm going for it .I aquired a 125 gal tank plus a wet/dry filter,uv steralizer,protien skimmer ,salt, cc and dead but real coral:such as birds nestand abt 5 others (not sure of other names)but anyway for $240.00 i couldn't refuse. ya see I'm a bricklayer and did a job for this guy and he gave me all this stuff plus $60 cash i just couldn't refuse
the set up i have now is reef ready but i dont know how to start the reef process.
this what i have on the exsisting set up:
120 rr
berlin clssic skimmer
tide pool2
mag drive 1200
2 802 powerheads
2 cmpact heaters
2 atinics in the stock oceanic hood
1 165watt powercompact bright light
75lbs cc
100lbs liverock
1 g cromis
1 figi devil
1 black/white clown
1 orange/white clown
1 coral beauty(might be a flame angel)
1 watchmen
1 mandarin
1 sally crab
1 emerald crab
2 blue leg hermies
4 red hermies
5 margerita snails
1 anenome
1 suncoral
that is what i have :if i get 2 mh w/20k bulbs for my tank 4ft long 2ft h and 2ft wd
will that start the reef process or i'm i missing something ?
I do have some coraline that was on a rock that bought but it hasn't spread. Or should I leave that tank do its thing and set
the new one up for the reef? its 6ftl x 2fth x 18in wd I checked it out at the lfs and it'll cost another $ ge the mad drive ,lights andpowerheads thats if i go with mh's
thanks for your input
the set up i have now is reef ready but i dont know how to start the reef process.
this what i have on the exsisting set up:
120 rr
berlin clssic skimmer
tide pool2
mag drive 1200
2 802 powerheads
2 cmpact heaters
2 atinics in the stock oceanic hood
1 165watt powercompact bright light
75lbs cc
100lbs liverock
1 g cromis
1 figi devil
1 black/white clown
1 orange/white clown
1 coral beauty(might be a flame angel)
1 watchmen
1 mandarin
1 sally crab
1 emerald crab
2 blue leg hermies
4 red hermies
5 margerita snails
1 anenome
1 suncoral
that is what i have :if i get 2 mh w/20k bulbs for my tank 4ft long 2ft h and 2ft wd
will that start the reef process or i'm i missing something ?
I do have some coraline that was on a rock that bought but it hasn't spread. Or should I leave that tank do its thing and set
the new one up for the reef? its 6ftl x 2fth x 18in wd I checked it out at the lfs and it'll cost another $ ge the mad drive ,lights andpowerheads thats if i go with mh's
thanks for your input