**Adding one more fish...should I?**


Ok here we go guys...i have a 50g FOWLR. And this is what i have: Maroon Clown (gs), Royal Gramma, Damsel (orange tail), Cherub Angel. Cleaner Shrimp, crabs and snails.
I would like to add another fish...can or should i do it? If so what fish do you guys recommend?


Active Member
lets see, maroon clown---5", gramma 3", angel 2", damsel 2". so using the 1" per 5 gallons rule you are about full. if you are gonna add something, i would reccomend something small like a goby or something. just give it alot of hiding places so the gramma wont harrass it. if you like your tank the way it is now, id keep it like that, sometimes a new addition to a tank thats been the same for a while will end up with a new dead fish. i would reccomend some more shrimps/inverts, as i think they make a tank look really really good. maybe a blood shrimp or another cleaner. if you wanted you could get an anemone for your clown. bo


Good suggestion about adding more inverts, but unfortunately i don't think i have enough lighting for an anemone...i have reg. NO bulbs. Don't shrimps end up being anemone food as well?


So far, my shrimps have never ended up as anenome food. What about adding a 6line wrass, they are small with a lot of personality. Other inverts would be a nice addition too. What about feather dusters, they are pretty cool and add character too. Just a thought.


The books that i have read say that a 6 line wrasse would thrash the inverts. Would a feather duster work if i have NO bulbs?


Active Member
what books are you reading? i have never heard of a serious problem w/ 6 lines and inverts. very docile fish and imo 100% reef safe. bo


A feather duster is pretty hardy as far as inverts go, and dont need a large amount of light. How many watts are your lights?


LionFish says......
Actually Featherduster require no light as they are completely filter feeders and don't depend on light for food. 6 line wrasses are the coolest little fish. He would do really well in that kind of a tank. I would suggest a Swissguard basslet but seeing as you already have the Gramma it would get ugly. But 6 line wrasses are very docile and friendly and mine has never attacked one of my inverts. I suggest you get a new book if it said they would hurt inverts.


Six line are outstanding fish. I think it would work in your tank, how has the damsel act when you add new fish? They can be mean. Good Luck


Active Member
hey lionfish, would a swissgaurd be ok in a 38g? i have an empty 38 w/ 30lbs lr, and ls. its been up and running since jan1, so its cycled and everything. looking for some cool fish to keep in there. and are they worth the cash, the ones ive seen were a bit pricey :eek: . bo
[ August 15, 2001: Message edited by: Grouperhead ]


6 line wrasse according to Scott W. Michael's MARINE FISHES: "Larger specimens may eat ornamental shrimp"
I could be confused with the "ornamental" part...would these guys leave cleaner shrimp alone?


LionFish says......
I wouldn't recommend it Grouper, seeing as I am having to get a bigger tank because of him. They need a lot of space and require a lot of caves or they will just die. Hard to tell if they are really worth the money. They are colorful but they can be difficult to feed. They are relatively hardy when it comes to diseases. They also are good jumpers. They are good for large tanks. I would only recommend one if you have a large reef. They get along with almost all fish but mine is having a little trouble with my Black-cap but overall they don't seem to be biting eachother. Mine is eating like crazy though, so I am lucky. I got mine from a place in Lansing that takes really good care of their fish and they showed me that it will eat. I would rather recommend that you get a really colorful pseudochromis in the 38. For a tank that small I wouldn't say that the fish would be worth the money. And they are rather pricey. I got mine for $50 and it was supposed to be $60.