adding perc


Hey well I have had a perc for about half a month, I want to pair it up. Wat r the steps in adding it, ima see if I go saterday to get one


about all you can do is add another one and hope for the best, make sure you have plenty of hiding places and leave the lights off for about 24 hours at first


Active Member
Originally Posted by CRABBYCHRIS
about all you can do is add another one and hope for the best, make sure you have plenty of hiding places and leave the lights off for about 24 hours at first
Not true.
Depending on how large your clown is. Get a smaller one. If it is a very small (young) clown, then you would be ok getting a larger one. All clowns are born male. If they have been alone in a tank for a long time, they will switch their s-e-x to female. They cannot switch from female to male ever. If you have a small clown he would most likely still be male. So adding a larger clown would be ok even if it was a female. If it is the same size. The clowns will fight for dominance. Whoever wins(assuming one of them doesn't die) will be the female. Hope this helps.


AAAAh OK...I knew that clowns were born male and once they changed to female it was permenant. I didn't know that if left alone they would change to female tho...that's why adding clowns has been hit or miss....I learned something new today!


it's been alone for about five months, u think that's enofe time? Ima go look for a little one tomorow,