Adding Phytoplankton


Curious as to how much and how often one should add phytoplankton? I am about out of refridged phyto and have a bottle of phytoplex when it is gone. Currently I add phyto twice a week and use 2 caps worth each time. Good? Bad? heres what i got....
29 gallons been up and running for a little less than a year
Flame Polyps
Clove Polyps
Green Star Polyps (large)
Star Polyps
Cabbage Polyps
Some other polyp not sure what
Hairy Mushrooms (large)
False perc and psychadelic mandarin (very new additions)


Active Member
What is the purpose you add the phyto for? Nothing that you've listed can eat liquid phyto, thought I'm not sure what flame polyps are. Zoanthids?


My lfs said that these corals are filter feeders and phyto helps keep them fed. Should i not be adding the phyto? Should i be doing it less? is it bad to add when not needed? thanks


Active Member
Some LFS are known to lie so they can get your money. Nothing on your list are filter feeders. Adding unused phyto will add excess nutrients to the tank and will simply get removed by the skimmer.


so your sure i should NEVER put phyto in my tank with what i have in there now. Easier on me but just want to make sure. Thanks alot for the input


Active Member
Originally Posted by wareagle
so your sure i should NEVER put phyto in my tank with what i have in there now. Easier on me but just want to make sure. Thanks alot for the input
For your purpose of feeding your corals, the phyto is just being wasted.
However, the invert larvae, pods, mollusks, sponges, tunicates, some gorgonians, and fan worms can filter feed and eat the phyto.