adding play sand to tank


i want to ad play sand (without silica) to my already established tank. i have 40lbs of live sand in there already, any likes or dislikes about doing this? if i add the sand on top of my live sand will it hurt? any info would be appriciated. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
Just rinse the heck out of it. And I would'nt add more than half of what you already have . Then wait awhile and add again.


i'm thinking about adding it, but i don't know if i should pull everything out when i do, except for fish.. i'm planning on adding about 3" to it, i don't wannt kill my inverts especially my 2 horseshoe crabs


Active Member
if hte tankk is established,,i owuld add slowly. like mentioned, i would add no more than 1/4 inch at a time, over the course of sevearl weeks