Adding rock and sand to established tank?


I am looking to add more live rock and more sand to my tank. It has been up and running since February. I know I need to cure the rock and sand. And I have a garbage can set up to do that. My ? is should I/Can I do them at the same time? Thanks

tony detroit

Active Member
Sometimes you can buy your rock already cured, look into that, then you can put it straight in the tank, well you should QT it, but most people do not, I know I don't. As far as adding sand, live sand is easier, but much more money. Dry dead sand needs to get a bioculture on it before you can put it into the tank or you will have a fog on your hands.


well if you want to go the slow and cheaper way.imo and only take it as my opinion. get a 5 gal bucket and put the deadsand in. use the water from your tank that you used for a water change. throw alittle fishfood in it and throw a powerhead in the bucket and let it sit for about a month. i think you will still have a good dust cloud in yuor tank after that but it wont be as bad as if you didnt.
thats my $.02