adding rock..............


I am moving my aquarium and wanted to know if I could add base rock or if it needs to be live rock.....Just maybe three good size pieces. It has been set up over 2 years now and I don't want to have to go through the cycle thing again. Any ideas?


Just make sure it is cured live rock and you shouldn't have another cycle. Cured rock is more expensive, but it shouldn't raise any problems with your tank. You can also buy normal LR and cure it yourself but that takes a few weeks.


How do you cure live rock? I'm assuming the rock that I have so far is cured since I picked it from a tank and it is purple. Can you explain the difference between cured and uncured? And, I'm assuming we are not talking about that dry rock when we say uncured. Is that Right?


I've actually never done it myself, but there is tons of info if you do a search for it on this forum. Basically, if you haven't cycled your tank yet you can just throw it in the tank and it will kick off the cycle and become cured (get rid of all the dieoff and bad stuff). But your tank is established so you'll need to cure it yourself.
Basically get a rubbermaid or some sort of tub with some water, a heater, and a powerhead and let the rock sit there for a while. How long you leave it depends on how much rock you have I believe. It could be anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. When you are done, the rock shouldn't smell and it should not be producing ammonia.
I didn't explain the particulars very well, but that is the basic process. Maybe other people can help out a bit more. Do a search. I'm sure someone has written this up more eloquently than I have. Good luck.


Active Member
To add to that:
I recently ordered lr rubble from online. Of course it was shipped so when it arrived it of course had die off on it. As stated above put it in a dedicated new or clean container, mix up salt water, add a heater, and power head. My die off was extensive so I had to do lots of water changes like 1/2 the volume EVERY day or so. It took about 1 1/2 weeks to get the water to test good for ammonia, trites and trates.
If you are buying base rock, no need to cure it because you probably will find it dry. Wash it off and it normally should be good to add to your tank as is. if you buy lr from a local source and can get it back into water rather quickly it will also have little to no die off. Just my experiences. HTH