adding salt water


I need to add salt to my tank. I just added LR yesterday so my water level is almost to the brim. So, what's the best way? Should I remove some water first then mix some salt water then add or mix salt in a sml amnt of water then add to existing water? Suggestions please. Thanks, Ant.


So you have LR and RO water in the tank now with no salt added yet?
If so, I'd take some of the water out, then add your salt mix in. Leaving a little room at the top of the tank makes getting the salinity correct much easier. You can top off with more RO water or water and salt, depending on whether you need the salinity increased or decreased.


Well, I had salt water already mixed and added before I added the rock. I started the water on Saturday and added the LR yesterday. I checked the SG this am and it was 1.018 so I'm thinking I need to add more salt water. I have to use declorinating drops to my tap water at this point then mix with sea salt.



Originally posted by Ant
the SG this am and it was 1.018 so I'm thinking I need to add more salt water.

You need more salt mix. If the saltwater is premixed it should all be 1.018 salinity.
Originally posted by Ant

I have to use declorinating drops to my tap water at this point then mix with sea salt.

I'd strongly suggest switching to RO water, especially if you plan to keep corals and/or more delicate fish.


If the salinity was at .018 and they wanted it higher, wouldn't the premixed be mixed at a level higher than .026 so that when you mixed them, the .018 would increase?


I don't have premixed salt water I have to mix it myself in a bucket. How do I change to RO? Purchase? I was told the declorinating drops will work with my tap water. Ugh! And, my last post from yesterday someone suggested to have my SG at .025 and that's higher than the normal range on the hydrometer. I'm only interested in my clowns, possibly an anenamie(way down the road) and maybe a royal gramma(as recomended by Scotts kid). Nothing too elaborate just small and enjoyable for me and the fish.:notsure:


BTW, what I meant about the salt water mix-I mixed the water on Saturday and started my tank. SG at that time was 1.022. Then again Sunday morning it was 1.022 and yesterday 1.022 so I added LR yesterday. Today it's 1.018, thus the inquisition.


I believe so. My heater is working well and it's set at 79 degrees. That's what the temp strip reads on the side. It's not by a window. The only change is the addition of the LR yesterday.


Active Member

Originally posted by Ant
and maybe a royal gramma(as recomended by Scotts kid).

Hey leave me and my son out of it.
Actually Ant (Sorry but I cannot type your full name I think I would hurt my fingers) I am glad to see you here and asking these questions. However personally I think since you are still cycling I don't think you have to worry about raising the SG that much. What I mean is that it is not something that has to be done today and right now. However since you have asked the question if you want to raise she SG at this point Yes you would remove some of the water, add some salt to it (no not table salt) and then let the salt dissolve, then put the water back in your tank. At first when I read this post I thought you started with fresh tap water, put the rock and sand in and were just now adding the salt. Glad to see that you are doing things right. Sit back, breathe, let nature do it's work and do not go into a lfs and ask them questions.
BTW You might want to check out some of the threads in Beth's sticky post at the top of the previous page. I think it is some good advice.


Hey Scotts! I'm blaming it all on you!!:hilarious
Thanks again for the input. I already did some salt mixing, right after dinner...I had a little salt left over
Just kidding.
I mixed some water earlier today and now I'm going to just wait it out. I read Beth's start up info and really liked it. I should have started there. I will steer clear of the lfs stores until I'm ready for fish. I guess I need a test kit. Will my tank cycle just fine without the raw shrimp? Would it cycle any faster with it?


Active Member
In my personal opinion, since you want to put 2 clowns in your tank, I would recommend putting the shrimp in there. My reasons, I don't know what sand you have or about your rock. Also since you want to put the 2 fish in your 20 gallon I think it best if your tank has been stressed a little before adding the fish. Think of it as builidng up your tanks immune system before an operation. Sorry this my add a little time before you can put fish in your tank. I know HOW much you want to put stuff in your tank, but in a year from now will it matter if it took some extra time?
Here is something to think about also is that when you put your clowns in your tank you really should put them in at the same time. Buy them small and preferably from the same tank at your lfs, although the same tank is not a necessity. The reason to get them together is that as they grow one of them will actually turn into the female and one will be the male. More to talk about this but I just fried the vacuum cleaner and need to look at it.
BTW I was interested in what type of nursing you do because I have met some very special people in the world and I think nurses are part of that group. My story quickly stay at home dad, Son-Daniel 11 autistic, Daughter-Amy 10 Omphalocelle (Bonus points if you know what that is without looking it up). Like I said I have met some special people in the world who I have no idea why they do what they do.


Scott-Don't know if you're still reading this but I have a couple more questions. I'm confused because I added salt water yesterday(mixed to 1.025 SG) and added to the tank, about 2gal. Today the reading is up to only 1.019.:notsure: I think you said to leave the tank alone. I shouldn't worry about the SG right now? But when do I fix it? And, why did it change after I added the rock? Is that normal. Some of the plant growth that was on the rock has turned a clear or white color. Others are still nice and green. I used the live sand from the store and the live rock I bought is suppose to be completely cured...? As far as the shrimp, do I just buy one at the super market and drop it in the tank? Then how long after will I have to wait for fish...until my nitrite/nitrates are zero...SG 1.025? I know all tanks are different. Very interesting about the clowns. Thanks for that tid bit. I had no idea. I look forward to hearing more. I CAN HARDLY WAIT FOR THE DAY I CAN ADD FISH!
Kudos to you stay at home dad! Will you have your daughters belly sealed or are you maintaining the omphalocele externally? I'm so happy to hear that you've had good experiences with nurses. I hate hearing otherwise. When I train nurses that's one of the things I enphasize the most...BE NICE! Along with being knowledgable of course.
Hope your vacuum servived!


Active Member
Ant, those are all very good questions. I wish I had all of the answers for you, to be honest. When I said you did not have to raise your SG I was meaning it was not something that required urgent action and needed to be done right away. Yeah I think you should raise your SG, but like I said it is not something that has to be done in the next hour, I think by the time your fish are in should be OK. What to raise you SG to? That is also a good question. Some people here say it has to be at an exact 1.025, however I am one of the people that keep it around there. Might be a good idea to start a thread on that and get a concensous (sp?) of opinions. As far as why your SG dropped that is also a good question, however IMO that is water under the bridge and just deal with what you have in your tank now.
Shrimp, yep go get a raw cocktail shrimp from the market. I think you leave it in there for any where from 4 to 7 days. remember you want it to start rotting in your tank to get the yucky stuff going in your tank.
I know you want to put something in your tank, but do some research on this site and as soon as you can put some type of crab in there. Even if it is a hermit crab you can watch that little sucker for an hour or so.
Others may want to stop reading now. Amy had a giant omphalocelle, like I tell her I saw her liver, so she has had 3 operations and is fine physically. It still amazes me that they operated on he when she was a little less than 24 hours old. BTW that is her doing her Arthur face :notsure: :confused: in my avatar.


I will go out shrimp shopping tomorrow. Not my favorite thing...I'm allergic to shrimp. Won't be fun watching that thing in the tank. Hmmm-what to tell my son:thinking: His daddy will come up with something good. BTW my son tried putting his plush Nemo in the tank yesterday. I looked over when he said, Nemo's swimming Mommy. He's done so well with the tank at this level but I'm thinking I might raise it now. I'll do some more salt exchange tomorrow. How much do you think I should change out? Then how much should I mix in? I just guessed yesterday and apparently, I guessed wrong. What do you have in your tank? Any pictures? I'm assuming your kids like it.
I thought that might be your daughter in the picture. Great face!
Yes, it's pretty incredible what they can do in surgery and how young. Your daughter must have had very good space in her belly for them to attempt the operation. That's very good. I assisted with an operation of a new born to remove a tumor about the same size as her little head. It was growing around her neck and they found it through ultra sound and monitored it until birth. It took about 23 hrs worth of surger right after birth. They rotated 3 pediatric surgeons. It was exhausting but they removed it and the baby recovered. It's been very nice chatting with you. Hope your vacuum was saved.


Active Member
That is too funny about your kid and his Nemo doll. :D Sounds to me like you did the right thing with your water, your just forgot the old dilution factor. If you add 2 gallons of water with a SG of 1.025 to 20 gallons of water at 1.018 you will raise the SG of the 20 gallons of water just a little bit. I was goig to try and write the math formula, but I am just plain too tired. I would say take out 5 gallons of you water and raise the SG of that water to around 1.025, or maybe just a little more then put it back in your tank. This should get you around the 1.020 range, then if you need to you can do this again and you should be getting pretty close. I will admit I ain't no expert of the exact SG you need your water to be at. Here is what I did recently with my tank. I only had 4 fish in it for the longest time, then one carpet surfed right before I moved. I did not have many fish because I knew I was going to move it. now that I moved it I was going to start adding fish, then of course we found out that my wifes company has not gotten some P.Os they were hoping for, so we will wait a little bit longer to get some more fish.
Ant Your sugery story...eeeewwwww. Just kidding. Actually after Amy's first surgery we joked about how her stomach looked like someone took one of those plastic footballs and put it in her belly at an angle. Her second surgery was when she was 2 weeks old, it was during the OJ simpson trial and the coverage was on the TV, someone who worked at the hospital stopped by the waiting room and watched to TV for a couple of minutes then said oooohhhh I hate the site of blood.


Scott-that is a pretty impressive tank
Wow! It really looked like a lot of work to change that over. Why did you decide you wanted a bigger tank? Just curious. I want your other tank but I guess you need it. That's a really pretty set up and I liked the rock setup too. It's nice that your kids are at a helping age and can REALLY help. My son says, "I'm going to help you mommy," but it usually ends up being more work for me. Still, I let him help...if what I'm doing is not of great importance. If this little tank goes well I WILL get a bigger tank when we retire, by we I mean my husband. That's in two years. What kind of fish do you want now? Oh and can you tell me about the clowns again? That's kind of like frogs right? They can change their --- gene if needed?
Funny about the hospital worker. My husband is a nurse too and we have to be really careful about what we discuss when we're eating, around other people. Nothing ever bothers us and we just go right on talking about surgeries, cases, etc. :eek:


Hey Ant. If your son is putting his "Fish" in the tank be careful of what you put in yours. ie. venemous fish, urchins etc.
Just a heads up. Good luck.


Thanks Buckshot, I appreciate the advice. It's a nano tank and will only have friendlies. Plus, I'm planning on raising the tank out of Johnny tornados path.:D


NP, thought I'd give you a heads up. My son is 2 1/2 and he's going nuts touching the tank. I put it in my room so it wouldn't be that bad.
He's at my house during the week. The whole custody thing. So if he comes in my room during the night, we'll just go out on the couch. Good luck.