Adding several new fish at the same time - bad idea?


New Member
Ok, so I'm new, but have an issue. Like this site, message board, and selection. Therefore, I'd like to purchase some of the fish here. According to the "checkout" rules, I need to puchase about $80 in fish before they will let me buy stuff. So if there are three or four $20 fish that I want, do I just buy them all and then add them all at the same time. I'm afraid of territory issues and shocking the tank.
Or do I have to just buy from my LFS one at a time?
I'm not someone with several tanks to where I could make it work for a while and introduce them in gradually.
Any advice would be appreciated.


Active Member
What size tank do you have and what fish are you thinking about?
And Welcome to the boards


Active Member
Sounds like you know the answer already. Adding one at a time is your safest bet, and having them quarantined for 2-3 weeks prior to putting them into your main tank is also suggested.


Active Member
I second T316's questions. It depends on the fish and also what the tank size is that you are planning to add them too.


Originally Posted by T316
What size tank do you have and what fish are you thinking about?
And Welcome to the boards

I agree to these questions. Also, how long has the tank been set up and what is in it now? It is best to add fish one at a time. However, you can add more at a time depending on the answer to these questions. I would also highly recommend that you quarantine the new fish.
When you do order your fish maybe buy two you will always need food for the new fish and maybe some more CUC just a thought i'm sure that you could find a creative way to spend the rest of the money


I've found that it's way too easy to spend the $80 minimum. Depending on the size of tank and how long it's been set up, you could easily buy 1 or 2 fish, a bunch of snails, a few crabs, maybe a brittle star. It adds up!


You have to spend at least $80 on this site before you can buy a fish?
Yep you got it thats why i dont order here? But you get free overnight shipping so its worth it but most of the time i dont have the 80 to spend all at once


New Member
Thanks for the advice. Our tank is at least 3 years old (it came with our house), is 125g, and we've got four fish in there (with other liverock and critters). The most aggressive thing that we have in there is a flame hawkfish (two anthias and a blue tang are the others).
I figured that putting in three or so new fish at the same time would be a bad idea, but just wanted to confirm before I did anything stupid. Looks like I'll be pestering my LFS for a particular fish. They're used to us by now.


You would be fine to add a couple of fish at a time if you had to. The tank is established and not over crowded.


Active Member
I agree with sep here. Your tank should be able to handle the bioload of the fish without problem. Its a larger system and has quite a small bioload so I dont think you will have anything spike up with the addition of your new fish. Good luck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You would be fine to add a couple of fish at a time if you had to. The tank is established and not over crowded.

Originally Posted by sk8shorty01

I agree with sep here. Your tank should be able to handle the bioload of the fish without problem. Its a larger system and has quite a small bioload so I dont think you will have anything spike up with the addition of your new fish. Good luck.