Adding Sixline Wrasse


I want to order a sixline wrasse with my next order. Right now I have 2 percula clownfish and some cleanup crew in my 90gal DT. The wrasse will go into my 29gal QT then 90gal DT.
Is there anything that this wrasse would not go good with besides feather dusters and other worms. Shrimp? other fish?


my sixline doesnt bother my shrimp nor feather dusters. after the first day in your DT youll fall in love with this fish. It never stops moving... always swimming back and forth in between rocks searching for small crustaceans. Small bristle worms... copepods...

sea keeper

I agree, I great fish to have in your tank. The sixline wrasse was my first fish in my reef tank. They love to go in and out of rocks.


Do they mess with tiny hermits? I have a decent group of blue legs and I don't want them getting eaten!

belly up

well then it sounds like im the only one who has gotten a 6line from hell. at first they may seem cute swimming around curiously but when they rip the legs off your crabs,kill your turbo snails,beat up your clownfish,eat your starfish and feather dusters they dont seem to cute anymore. the one i ha must have been the spawn of the devil. ive only owned owned one so i dont know if they are all like that but just hope you dont get one like the one i had.

belly up

if you were reffering to my post i didnt mean hermits i meant emrald crabs, im surprised he didnt kill the hermits, but thx for the consdideration.


it wont mess with hermits.... or snails.
belly up,
why not try another? you should.... you probably did get a bad seed.


Active Member
i wish my sixline got past the 48 hour mark. when i put him in the tank he just darted in the rocks and i found him almost dead the next morning. he didnt make it


what part of orange you in?
about the fish... maybe you didnt get a good fish.... sometimes the fish are so stressed/abused from capture/shipping that theyre just doomed to die... Sixlines are extremely hardy and easy to keep.

belly up

idk ill think about it but it probably wont happen. i really like them but not if they act like that, maybe il try another in the future.and are 6lines with blue tails rare?


Mine has a blue green tail. As for behavior he does not bother the hermits, decorator, 2 cleaner shrimp or the nudi I have in the tank. He even runs and hides from the bluefin damsel I have.
Try one you won't be disappointed!


Maybe you had an eight-line? Aren't they more aggressive or something? I read this somewhere. Anyone have any input on that?


I've been thinking of getting a sixline as well, since I don't have much room in my 56gal DT. And I've heard they're fun to watch. So far I have a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma, and I want to add a firefish. So, I'm looking for one more fish that will swim around a lot. My gramma (Rocco by name) rules the tank right now. And my blenny (Clipper) is hilarious, but he's afraid of the new (3) turbo snails. Silly thing.


Originally Posted by texanangel
I've been thinking of getting a sixline as well, since I don't have much room in my 56gal DT. And I've heard they're fun to watch. So far I have a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma, and I want to add a firefish. So, I'm looking for one more fish that will swim around a lot. My gramma (Rocco by name) rules the tank right now. And my blenny (Clipper) is hilarious, but he's afraid of the new (3) turbo snails. Silly thing.
In my first tank I had the same list of fish. They got along great. I think that they are a good mix of fish. I would rearrange the rock work before adding the wrasse because your RG will bully it. They are very aggressive towards new comers. If you mix it up a bit everyone will be staking new territory


ah, thanks. I've had to do that for friends many times. I'm a bit of a designer and have a knack for arraging aquariums. Too bad I don't get paid for doing my own.
How territorial is the wrasse, and what is its likely location to pick (ie. top, mid, low, rock, water channel)?


I love my 6-line. He's always swimming in and out of my live rock and he has a big fat belly from eating pods and whatever else he can find. He's never bothered my inverts (teeny tiny blue legs, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, starfish, porcelin crabs, etc.).