adding some color


Active Member
my wife made a comment over the weekend about needing some color in the tank.
first off let me fill you in on what is already living in it. the livestock includes:
7in volitan
3in stars and stripes
4-5in koran
2ft zebra moray
misc damsels
condi anemone
so my question is, is there anything( fish, coral etc...) that I could add tot the tank to add some color to it? I plan on getting a long tentacle anemone within this next week.
the lighting on the tank is 2x250 watt halides and 192 watt PC.


Get her a little tank for her to play with. If you get her a 12-14gal one she can make it reef safe and add anything she wants. If it was me and my Ex-husband that is what we would have done. I am not sure what can be added in your tank though currently to add color. Most tanks like yours with preds usually don't have much color.


how big is the tank? if it's big enough you may be able to get away with a tang like a purple or powder blue as they tend to be quite aggressive and can probably hold their own in that tank..... if not, +1 on the getting her another tank


Ok, then no other angel with a koran! Redsea tang or some type of sailfin tang. Maybe another puffer.


Tangs are some of the most colorful fish. You could go for a powder blue tang, yellow tang or purple. Depends on what color you want.


Active Member
I will check the tangs out. I know I don't want a hippo( dori). that last one we had we had to get rid of. it was a PITA


Active Member
Originally Posted by alh
Why was the hippo a PITA? (I was thinking of getting one)
I think that it was just the one I had in my tank, but it bullied all of its tankmates. harlequin tusk, dogface, the only fish it left alone was the lion that we had


Active Member
what about if I got rid of the puffer? I think I might be now anyways.
I think that it might have killed one of my anemones