I feed the corals and anemone that have a gaping mouth - meaty seafoods mostly. These include my two open brains, the sebae anemone, a cat's eye coral and a bubble coral.
I began using Coral Heaven when I updated my lighting.
Please do not ask me where I buy it. I'd much rather you do a search on the internet to find out what it is, and where to buy it if interested.
It's a dry powder coral food that you keep in the fridge.
Mixed with tankwater - I squirt it on all open polyps with a pipette, and occasionally target feed some of the meat eaters too. The solids I target feed, the juice that is left over I add to the tank for filter feeders.
I stopped using DT and other water column suspended foods a few months ago.
I prefer to target feed now and use the liquid leftover juice from the Coral Heaven.
This may change someday as well.