Adding supplements and carbon


Hey everyone, I've read different things on here about supplementing, and was just wondering what everyone else thinks on the subject. I add Seachem's Reef Calcium, Reef Complete, and Reef Plus. Also, what about carbon? I use it 24/7, and change it every month. Just wondering everyone else's opinion on this topic. Thanks!:D


Active Member
Adding the supplements won't hurt but with a FOWLR your really not feeding anything other than the LR with really doesn't need much.
As far as the Carbon filtration - I use mine 24/7 for three weeks and then take a week off and I'm sure this is too much but it shouldn't hurt - watch out for fish pop-eye which can be a direct cause from too much carbon filtration.
Changing our your carbon every month - that's up to you but it's pretty much overkill - if you notice the water clarity change - that's when you should change it or every six months.


Active Member
I am curious where you heard that carbon causes pop eye. Not calling you wrong but that is the first time I have heard that. High quality carbon will do wonders for a tank if used regulary. It is not a neccesity but It won't do any harm and it won't leach contanimates back into the water if it is high quality. I change out 8 ounces monthly on my 90 gallon reef. Besides calcim and buffer regular water changes should supply all nutrients that your tank should need.


I use carbon about 1 week a month in my reef. Always under the impression that it could remove "good" qualities in the water.I use it the week before water change so as to put back any trace elements that might have been removed. I too,never heard of the carbon/pop-eye relationship,could you quote the source of that?


As opposed to "hearing" I would suggest "reading" before one should give advice on a particular subject. Popeye can be caused by several things, more often than not by injury during netting at the LFS or by the LFO (local fish owner).
Their are many argurments about the use and non-use of carbon, but I have never read anything about pop-eye and carbon in the same article.