Adding Supplements?

reef fool

Active Member
I realize the importance of adding calcium to a reef tank, but is adding Iodine and strontium as important for a successful reef. are ther any other important supplements to add?


Active Member
I do add strotium and iodide, but have not noticed any change since I started adding them about 3 months ago. I also recently started adding iron as well. A freind of mine recommended the iron to help my coraline growth.

nm reef

Active Member
Basically all I add are suppliments to establish/maintain levels of calcium and alkalinity. These levels are tested and maintained at fairly constant levels. Trace elements that I do not test for...or that can not be accurately tested for...are maintained via 5% monthly water changes. The salt mix (Instant Ocean) has proper levels of the majority of the trace elements in the mix. Works well enough for my system anyway.:cool:


I am with NM on that one. If you feed you tank frozen foods, most of the supplements that you are buying $$ and adding are in the foods. And yes, just as NM says, doing regular, religious water changes will add those used supplements back too... Keep in mind, just because your LFS sells shelf fulls of supplements and such doesn't mean its necessary to have a thriving reef system. They have to make $$ too :)


I've had my tank up and running for almost a year now,and have not had to add anything.I do use frozen foods and water changes with Instant Ocean also.I check my levels every now and again and nothing needs attention...knock on wood!As I have seen from being in this bb,everyone has a different situation.And,once again I think it is trial and error with each individual setup.I only have a combined 120w of normal output floresent lights on my 55 and my 17 different species of corals are thriving.I don't know why,and I am sure more light would help them out,but I'm leaving well enough alone for now.