Adding to Clean Up Crew


New Member
What more should I add to this current crew:
8 hermit crabs
1 arrow crab
1 cleaner shrimp
I am thinking of some snails (which kind) and can I add some peppermint shrimp? Will they get along with the other shrimp?
For fish I have:
2 firefish
2 nemo
3 chromis
Everyone is doing well - tanks has been up a few months and there have been no deaths in the family. All parameters are excellent. I have a emperor 400 bio wheel and am currently in the process of adding a protien skimmer - anything else?
I have LR that is flourishing and plan to add more with the next addition of cleaners.
Many thanks - yet again~:happyfish


.You go to E3?Well anyways you should get some snails like turbos.And i think your peppermint shrimp will not get along.and maybe a brittle star