adding trace elements, and other chems


55 gal tank with wet/dry filter bio balls sump, 2 ph 402's, 55 lbs LR, 65 lbs LS, berlin protine skimmer. cycling for the last 5 weeks, ph,alk, nite, rate at normal limits, ammonia 0 or .25 not really sure. My question is can or should I add some calcum and other trace elements to my tank?


Don't worry about adding anything else at this time. It seems like you still have a little bit more time to go. Remember, in this hobby, PATIENCE is the name of the game.


Active Member
Should I or Could I are a little different as you know.
At the point you're at now - in my opinion - would be a great time to start testing for calcium, alkalinity and pH.
Salinity and temperature are good to know too.
Track your tests on paper over the next couple few weeks.
See what your readings are now - BEFORE dosing anything.
Test before and after your scheduled water changes.
Then ..... decide if you need to add supplements.
Pouring stuff in the tank - without knowing where you are at to begin with - is not so good.
I've whacked out my water chemistry before - by guessing.