adding uncured rock


New Member
i have a 90 gallon tank just did a 70 % water change no livestock just 70-100 lbs of live rock thats been cycled tank running for over year just bought 100 lbs of fiji live rock would like to combine in the same tank and cure with the already cured rock is this ok have skimmer powerhead and heater


If your tank has been runnig for a year with no livestock its really not cycled anymore unless you have been feeding the tank to keep the bacteria beds alive if you werent the bacteria would die from not having any food.. You will go through another cycle anyway putting that much liverock in. HTH


Active Member
You can do it, of course it's going to start a cycle again... and a smelly one at that. :D


Active Member

Originally posted by jdecat7
do i need to continue feeding tank or can i let it run its course

No need to feed the tank with uncured rock... the die-off will be enough to cycle the tank. :D


Sorry, the way I read the post I thought you did not have any livestock in it for a year. I agree with bigbarn it will start another cycle for sure.