adding water


New Member
I added distilled water to my nano becuase some had evaporated. I then syphoned out some flatworms I took about one gallon but when i went to add real ocean water i was aboout 1/2 a gallon short. My question is will this make a huge difference if I replace the water 2morrow? because last time my corals werent happy but then again I added distilled instead of ocean water.


If you take water out of your tank then you will need to replace it with saltwater but for top offs you can use distill water but do not use saltwater.
what is you Salinity?
If it is ok, then you sould be fine.


Active Member
How big is your tank? In small tanks replacing 1/2 gallon of water that isn't salt water can make a big difference in your salinity. You need to make sure you have enogh replacement water before you do water changes.

nm reef

Active Member
If you remove salt water then you need to replace the amount removed with a equal amount of salt water that is of the same salinity....replacement of removed salt water with fresh water will lower your salinity and a stable salinity is critical.


New Member
thanks everyone I knew I needed to add salt water I was just curious if one day would make a big difference. Im new at this and it is hard for me to tell how much replacement water I have left because I buy real ocean water in a 5 gallon box