Additional Information about the contest

Staff member
First, I have to say I am absolutely blown away by the quality of the photographs being submitted. I think we'll be handing out a bunch of $20 credits...which we are thrilled to do.
The contest is off to a great start and I thought I'd post a few mid-course clarifications, reminders and adjustments as we move forward.
First, please post your pictures in a new thread so it is easy for everyone to view. Be reasonable in your sizing of the pic, but know that if your picture is selected, it will appear as a glorious 448 X 336 pixel image on the website
We will put a $20 credit into your for each picture used. A credit is not cash. A credit can be used once you've bought the required minimum at the site(basically $99). So, it'd not cash, but is the same as cash once you've spent the $ get the idea. So, if 5 pictures are used, we'll put $100 credit in your acount that can be accessed once you've spent the $99. We will also give you photo credit either directly on the picture or in the description field of the animal. And finally, the grand prize winner will get a $250 shopping spree at (no purchase required).
The picture needs to have been taken by you. The animal does not have to have been purchased on our site, but we must sell it, to be considered. Do not take pictures from the internet. It is not fair to your fellow posters, and it is illegal. We've already had one unfortunate incident, let's make it the last. The successful pictures will become the property of
Ok, enough fine print stuff...
We'll post a poll so everyone can vote on the winners. So, you'll be given the name of the species and the entrants. Then you visit their thread and the website to compare. Then vote away. Please don't post the pictures on the bulletin board.
I'll put one up today, to see how it all works. So, let's keep this thing going...while you are on the website, pick out a picture you think you can do better with and start clicking.
Elite Photo thinks our Diamond Goby looks dead compared to his...we'll let you decide.
Have fun and post additional questions or comments here.


HAHAH Thanks Mr Admin for the name drop ;)
So may I ask... when will the contest end? and what determines who wins the grand prize?
Jay (aka the guy with the happy looking diamond goby)

Staff member
The contest ends the end of November. We will draw the winner soon after that. It will be by random drawing of all the photographs that are used on the site. So, if you have 3 entries used, you will have 3 chances to win.

coral keeper

Active Member
Where do we have to post our pics to win the money? So i post a thread at the Photography Contest and you guys are going to go threw all the threads looking at the pics or do we have to post it some where els?


Coral... we have to post them in the SWF photo contest topic. They will choose the winner for each category. out of those winners a random winner will be drawn to win the grand prize.

Staff member
Congratulations to ElitePhoto, our first contest winner. Check out his Diamond Goby now on the website. Elite Photo gets a $20 store credit for his efforts.
We have posted 5 new polls today and will post more polls every day through the month. Each of these polls will have a 3 day active life, then the winners will be announced.
Because of the sheer volume of responses, we have enlisted SWFishy to help administer the contest. You may contact her as well with questions.
Finally, we will be publishing a schedule of when we will be putting up polls for the various categories of animals. Tangs, Crabs, Gorgonians, Etc. This will allow you to plan your photography sessions and not miss out on the fun. We hope to have that schedule up today.
So, we're frankly scrambling a little bit right now to keep up with the volume, but we're loving the response and great pictures. Keep them coming!


Active Member
Originally Posted by
Congratulations to ElitePhoto, our first contest winner. Check out his Diamond Goby now on the website. Elite Photo gets a $20 store credit for his efforts.
We have posted 5 new polls today and will post more polls every day through the month. Each of these polls will have a 3 day active life, then the winners will be announced.
Because of the sheer volume of responses, we have enlisted SWFishy to help administer the contest. You may contact her as well with questions.
Finally, we will be publishing a schedule of when we will be putting up polls for the various categories of animals. Tangs, Crabs, Gorgonians, Etc. This will allow you to plan your photography sessions and not miss out on the fun. We hope to have that schedule up today.
So, we're frankly scrambling a little bit right now to keep up with the volume, but we're loving the response and great pictures. Keep them coming!
I thought the contest didnt end until the end of November.


Will EVERY animal/coral listed on the site be voted on, or will this contest only be for some?
Will there be a contest in another 6 months - 1 year or later for any items that were not voted on in this contest?

Staff member
We hope to have it all wrapped up by the end of November. That's why we're going to publish the polling dates for various categories of animals so people won't miss out. We'll draw the grand prize winner the end on November.


anyone actually taking the time to see if what they are posting is even available on the site? Seems about half the stuff posted isnt even here. In some cases such as zoos and shrooms I know there is so many diff types but I am seeing a lot of fish and other corals posted up that are not here on the site. Taking up a lot of pages...making it hard to view everyones pics that are legitimate entries.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
anyone actually taking the time to see if what they are posting is even available on the site? Seems about half the stuff posted isnt even here. In some cases such as zoos and shrooms I know there is so many diff types but I am seeing a lot of fish and other corals posted up that are not here on the site. Taking up a lot of pages...making it hard to view everyones pics that are legitimate entries.

*S* I know what you mean 90% of what I have in my tank isnt sold on here. and the other 10% I cant get decent pictures of


haha I know the feeling Reef. a lot of what I have isnt on the site and some of what I have that is here I cant get a photo of cause its to far back in the tank (bowfronts suck for shooting pics)


I'm still hoping the Bluespotted Jawfish entries will inspire to sell that wonderful fish. The Dusky Jawfish is great, too...however not sold here. (Yes, I love jawfish)
I was just thinking...there's no point in submitting an entry for a specimen that has already been voted on, is there? I just saw another (good) Firefish entry, but that vote is almost over...