

hello. I have a 46-gallon bow front tank and am looking at buying some more fish/inverts. I have had the tank for over a year and now have:
1 occ. clown
1 yellowtail damsel
2 pepp. shrimp?
(haven't seen them in a while)
15 blue leg hermits
6 margarita snails
5 nassarius snails
5 bumble bee snails
What additions would work with my setup, either inverts or fish would be fine. I do not have any lr at the moment, but am buying some asap...just had a dissapointment with the vendor I was going to buy from.


We each have our personal preferences and you have a zillion options.
I love gobies and blennies.
What about a clown goby to perch on the rock -oops-
Lets talk about rock. I assume you are buying cured live rock from a reputable local vendor so that you can merely transport it home and put it in your tank.
If you are purchasing nanorock mailorder-you are going to have to clean and cure it yourself before adding it to your tank. You get more rock at a better price that way, but it takes weeks of attention and many many water changes to cure live rock.
You could purchase about 12 lbs of cured, cleaned rock at a time from your LFS and add it immediately to your tank.
Suggest you add your rock next (and get rid of some of those hermit crabs-why so many?)
My peppermint shrimp dwindled down very quickly as well. I understand they are not long lived and during molting become prey to many other creatures. they love to hide in the rock and literally leap from place to place. I usually see mine when the lunar lights come on in the evenings-though a few of them are so bold they jump out of their hiding places when I feed to grab a quick bite.


I was planning on buying cured lr from a local vendor. About the hermits, I guess I was missled in buying so many, I didn't know that was alot. They are very small though (I have seen them changing shells...which means they are growing) only about 1/2 inch (the larger ones). I was thinking that after I get the lr I could get a green or yellow clown goby, a blenny (lmb, or bicolor) and then a dwarf angel. What dwarf angels are hardiest:
.Coral Beauty.
.bicolor?. I don't know if my tank is large enough?
.pygmy. I was thinking about a pygmy...cheaper and hardier? but aren't they aggressive? If I got one, should I add it last?
I don't want to over-stock the tank, but I don't want a sparse looking tank. I think once I get the lr it will look better, and I can add shaving brush plants, or something like it. I want some room for error...or NOT overstocking. Would this be a full tank, or could I add more SAFELY?