I asked myself this. How can this work on every tank? they say 2-3 blocks per 10gallons and no possibility of overdosing. Now one 75g tank with a high coral load may have 10x the calcium demand as one with a low load. even with two like size tanks that far apart in calcium demand its highly unlikely the margin for all 15 trace elements (which ever they claim those to be) will have the same demand/requirements. I dont see how it could be impossible to overdose yet be suitable to keep up with any tank given the large variations in demands from tank to tank and I dont see how they could come up with a suitable level for replenishing all 15 of these trace elements none of which we have any way of knowing are deficient or adequate in the first place (I assume these tabs dissolve at the same basic rate in saltwater parameters as release on demand is chemically impossible without outside manipulation). IMO anything that cant be overdosed probably aint doing much (releasing minimal amounts) for anybody "required" to supplement to maintain calcium. besides that it doesn't address alkalinity (carbonate demand). If your using calcium your using nearly 3x as much alkalinity (standard uptake ratio) so even if this product could regulate calcium assuming your tank needs it (is using it up) you'd still need to dose a carbonate buffer so it doesn't relieve you of regular dosing.
Calcium chloride products are the tried and true method of raising and maintaining calcium and can be done accurately based on individual demand and calcium testing. if you want to maintain calcium and alkalinity in one shot look into kalk/limewater use which adds both in balanced portions (first research how to apply it, may not be feasable if you dont have an auto top off system or dont want to slow drip it). most trace elements are a mystery to all and always will be by the sheer number of them and feasability of testing even a 3rd of them (much less accurately. labs cant even do it cheaply). nor does science know the function or importance if any of most trace elements. they get replenished thru water changes and introduced during feeding which is good enough for 90% of successful reefers (its usually new reefers or experimenters that buy broad range trace elements). I'd skip these and buy a 2 part or look into kalk. sorry for the lengthiness.