Additives 101


So my little reef is coming along nice and doing well. I would like to know if or what additives I can add to my tank to help it grow? If I use an additive what will that do to my water quality? Can I get away with just using one?


youll need..
2 part buffer(for calcium and alk)
magnesium(once in awhile)
trace elements(only if/when you get/have a highly stocked tank)IMO
vitamin supplement to enrich foods being fed to fish, inverts, corals, etc.


Active Member
Before you buy any additives I would invest in a few GOOD test kits...
Assuming you have a refactometer or floating Hydrometer and a PH meter, I would start with the following kits, Nitrate, Phosphate, Calcium, Alk.
The two part buffers a very good, those along with water changes should do the trick.


Little, you hit the nail on the head. TEST before you start adding anything and continue testing after you've added stuff to your tank. When I started out with my reef I made the mistake of adding a calcium supplement without properly testing/monitoring my tank. My calcium quickly shot up to unsafe levels in a very short period of time. I thought reading the drections on the side of the bottle would be enough. That was a mistake.
This may sound strange with all the talk of adding chems to reef tanks, but I've found that high quality salt (reef crystals for me-seems to be a good source of calcium-I'm at 420 with no other calcium additives) and consistent water changes (I do weekly 5% changes) have been enough to take care of my additive needs.
I think it really depends on what you're keeping in your tank. For example, if you don't have clams or stony/hard corals your calcium needs probably won't be that high. The only corals I have right now are Xenia and mushrooms. So my needs aren't very high.


That’s guys for the help.
That 2 part buffer? All in one of if I use one for say calcium I will then need one for alk. How do they work? What brands are you guys using? What if I just want to up my trace elements will I still have to put the buffers in? Right now I as using the (Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc) Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit. I can test for pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and do plan on getting test for phosphate, calcium, alk. Although I do not know how phosphates play a roll in the tank! Anyone, Anyone? Or what a refactometer is for. So I thank you for the help and could use some more.
Thanks a lot
P.S. I do a 10% water change a week.


A refractometer is a very acurate way to measure salinity or specific gravity. The swing arm types are not as accurate. The 2 part additives are supposed to take care of calcium and alk, however i'm not using it right now, so i don't know for sure. You should start testing calcium and alk before you start adding anything, but bionic made by esv(i think) is supposed to be a good 2 part additive. Kent also makes one i think it's called kent tech cb. Read up on them.