RO water is really clean freshwater that makes your fish healthy and happy, and your aquarium look clean and algae free. You should use it for all top off water. (when saltwater evaporates, the salt is left behind. Therefore you top off your aquarium with RO water / freshwater) RO means Reverse Osmosis.
When mixing your saltwater, use fresh RO water + your salt mix. Use a hydrometer or a refractometer to measure your salinity at 1.022 SG. A hydrometer tells you how salty your water is. It's a must have piece of equipment that runs about $8. This is only if you are mixing your own saltwater. If you buy it store bought, request saltwater for your fish only aquarium. They will give you saltwater with a salinity between 1.022 and 1.024.
The main things to watch out for in a fish only aquarium is:
1. salinity
2. temperature
3. pH
Make sure you invest in a basic test kit, such as the one from API that will test for nitrate, nitrite, ammonia and pH. Temp and salinity will/should both be measured on your hydrometer.