
pc fisher

There are so many different additives out there, which should be the basic ones to have to keep everything bright and healthy? I am in the process of setting up a 55 FOWLR.

bang guy

Tyndall... Air Force, eh ;)
i used to use a lot of different additives. After two decades I've dwindled the necessary additives to:
Fish food
Calcium source
Carbonate source
Occational water change
That's it. For Calcium and Carbonate I use Kalkwasser but a Calcium reactor or any balanced additive is fine.
Bang Guy, I like your style. People keep telling me to use buffers and additives, but, I seem to be doing fine with Kalkwaser, Essential Elements, and water changes. I have no need of buffers, uppers, downers, etc. Why do I need all these when there is nothing for them to fix?


You're suppost to feed the fish? Nobody ever told me that. No wonder all my fish die!
Just kidding...I couldn't resist.
For the fish- food,vitachem,garlic elixir,and sometimes buffer.
For me- Some ice cold Bud. <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


Active Member
Hmm...Troy, what are some of the movies I might remember you from? "When Damsels Attack", "Where's My CBS?", and maybe even, "Why Does SW Taste Sooo Good?"