Adequate Ca and alk?

reef dude

Ok, i just sat down and measured my Calcium and alkalinity 2 times each, in order to verify the results:
alk = 4.0 meq/L or 11.2 dKH
Calcium = 400 ppm
pH = 8.3
Recently my calcium has been impossible for me to raise. Ive been adding liquid calcium EVERY night ever since my calcium was at 350 ppm for about 3 weeks now. For the first 2 weeks i saw no rise in Ca. Then a week later(Today) i tested Ca. and its at 400 ppm. Should i keep adding the liquid Calcium and should i bother trying to raise my alkalinity a little bit?
Basically, are these levels where they should be at???

reef dude

BTW, I just purchased a container of kent marine super dKH buffer and i am debating wether to use it or not....

reef dude

every time i put up a post like this, no one replies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! come on guys! i just want a lilttle feed back


Active Member
reef dude
If you don't have a lot of hard corals that are using up the calcium and carbonates, then once the levels are established - they will not drop fast over time.
Many people would love to have your readings.
They are not bad at all.
What is the "Ideal" set of numbers anyway ?
There is no ideal set - it changes around a lot for every tank.
Many times it depends on what's in the tank, the additive program one is using and other factors as well.
Plus I always figure in a test kit inaccuracy fudge factor too.
So you're calcium could be 380 to 420 ppm the way I figure it.
If you're concerned with the calcium being "too low", and it won't budge off of 400ppm, I would continue adding the calcium.
But what form of calcium are you adding ?
What is the brand and name ?
Is it calcium chloride or some form of polygluconate calcium ?
I would not add anything to raise your alkalinity at this time.
It's pretty good really.
pH is great


everything looks good, most people try to keep alk range from 7-9 DKH so your in pretty good shape, it will come down over time keeping your calcium at a stable number. good luck ant keep us posted.:)


Active Member
Based on brommer's discussions of the relationship between cal-alk-ph. It seems to me that you can't raise the cal because the alk is good, but I think a little on the high side. I wouldn't really worry about it. As stated, the levels are pretty decent.


New Member
What is the link to Broomer's post about the relationship of Alk, PH, and Calcium? I would love to read it.

reef dude

thanks everyone!
I am currently using liquid calcium from kent marine. Thats all that i have been using. for about 2 weeks straight however, i was dosing with kalkwasser but i did not see any improvement, so i went back to just using liquid calcium.
Right now the only coral i have is frogspawn and i plan on getting mostly soft corals.