Adequate lighting for a RBTA????


I have a FOWLR 55 gl tank and wanted to ad anemones to my tank. What kind of light they require and how much does it cost......I really love them but with all the other stuff I'm buying my funds are limited......If I only know how addictive and $$$$$$$ this hobby was
. And also what are the hardiest kinds of anemones????


Also I wanted to know what clams need. What do they eat and what enviroment do they need.....
Thanks, I love this site, you guys are always so helpfull


Since you mentioned clams AND anemones, I will say don't go with anything less than metal halide. Some people are able to keep the BTA's (which I feel are the hardiest) in less than MH lighting. I have, but if you think you will get clams down the line, go ahead and get the better lighting instead of upgrading again later.
**EDIT** I should note that even if you don't plan on clams it is still recommended to have MH's for any anemone. Just because some people get away with less doesn't mean you should chance it with little experience.