Hi I’m new here, and new with salt water fish altogether. I purchased an oceanic systems 75 gal aquarium. The man from the pet store is a friend of a friend and he helped me with everything I needed. I have the sump, ultra violet light, heater, protein skimmer. He set up the tank for me 1 month ago and I started it with live sand and then I added some cured live rock. I had the tank cycle for a week and a half and then added a few fish (2 maroon clowns, 1 blue hippo tang and a yellow tang). The fish are doing great so I just last week added a few more fish (1 coral beauty angel, 1 oriole angel, 3 chromis, and 1 sand sifting blennie). They are all getting along great and seem to be very active, so here comes my question. I want to add more live rock but I am scared of introducing something harmful to my tank. I wanted to purchase the Florida Aqua cultured live rock from SWF but it doesn't say if it is cured, I know the Ultra premium Fiji rock is cured, but the rock I currently have is Fiji rock and I wanted to mix it up a little. Do you have any advice as what to do or to do anything at all? I want to step up my rock so I can add a few Anemones to the tank.
Victor Marrone
Victor Marrone