Adoption Update


Hi everyone;
I know this is not something for sale, but this is for all the people who followed me through the sale of my tanks for our adoption. All of our paper work has been in China since January. We were told by our adoption agency that we will be getting our referral within 2 weeks. After all this waiting, we will finally get to see our daughter. We are planning on traveling to China in late August or early Sepember to pick her up. We are very excited, and we want to thank you all for your kind words during this long process. By the way, everything I had is sold. My lights are being paid for a little at a time, then I am going to ship them to the buyer when it is paid in full.
Everyone, thanks again and have a great day.

pet lover

:jumping: :cheer: :happy: :happy: :joy: :yes:
I am so Happy for you and your wife.
I wish you the best and God Bless you all !
I hope you all have a very happy, healthy
life together....
The Buyer :D