Adoption Update


Hi everybody,
I first wanted to say again, I know this does not have to do with selling anything, but I got to talk with many of you through the selling of my aquarium for my adoption. I am very proud to announce the referral of my daughter. Her name is Megan Laura Yu Zhu Pomeroy. She was born August 14, 2003. She is currently 27 inches tall and weighs 14.3 pounds. She is living at the Bangbu Children's Welfare Instatute in the Anhui province of China. We should be going to pick her up in about 4 to six weeks. Thank you very much for everything. Have a great day.
Dennis :joy:


Thank you everyone for the kind words. Yes magic, only about 1 1/2 away if you are in Milwaukee. Where about are you. I have a sister in Wauwautosa and a brother just off of 60th st.


Yes, I am sorry, 1 1/2 hours. My sister used to live near you. She just moved 3 months ago. She live near Mama Mias. It was Lisbon and I think 97 or something like that.


Opps, I should get around to changing that. That is the tank I sold to help pay for my adoption. I am down to a 20 gallon and a 45 bow front. Sorry no frags.