adult emperor has lymph


Active Member
My last post may have been a bit misleading.
After showing some signs of getting better after the dips, he actually is heading back to the same state as before all the treatments. The bumps are getting more pronounced and the old sores seem to be healing while newer soars are appearing. This is the part that is exasperating.


Active Member
You may have already read this in fish discussion forum but the emperor is finally in the 125g display tank with 3 tangs. The intro went well and is good. By the way , his soars are healing and I did use the beta-G. Seems to have done the trick. There is some scaring but we'll see over time. He did begin to show somedetrioration around the eyes and head area. Something like hole in the head. It was time to get him out of the cramped Q tank quarters . 4 months was certainly enough. The better water quality in the display shoud hopefully help with the remaining healing. He's eating well and the tangs have acepted him into their home with little resistence or aggression. There actually all schooling together as I type this.
I thanked you in the other post but I'll do it again....THANKS ALLOT!!!


Active Member
I feed brine, mysis, spectrum,angel formula, nori,and a variety frozen food which includes clams, kelp amongst other things. All soaked in selcon, zoe and garlic. He doesn't seemed stress although being in a new environment with 3 tangs has got to be somewhat stressful. All seems well. Thanks.


Active Member
Signs of hole on head or lateral line around the eyes seems to be claering up. "Scaring" also seems to be healing better. Doing nothing unusual. It seems like getting him into the 125 has releaved some of the stress of being in a cramped 30g Q tank and he is responding well.
I wonder if we should have moved him earlier? JWT suggested that earlier....DOn't think so since he was still showing signs of sickness....hummmmm... well can't second guess ourselves now since he seems to be well on his way to getting back to 100%.


Active Member
Update- Emperor is happy, healed and robust. All fish getting along really well. All is well in fish kingdom! Thanks.