adult ocellaris


I have one adult ocellaris in my tank that has been there for about 9 mos. I have heard that it is not a good idea to add another adult, since the established one will be threatened and try to kill the new one.
I have someone that I could buy an adult from for a pretty good price, but I REALLY don't want to kill it. If it is too much of a risk, I just won't buy it.
Any suggestions?


Active Member
IMO, a big risk. Whether it be a juvy or an adult you"ll most likely have problems, seeing that the one you have now has established its territory. I have read that rearranging the rocks may help (and if needed, bag the original and let the 2nd one in for a few hours and then add back the orginal fish), but not sure how long it is before clown #1 will definately have its territory set no matter what you try (especially if it has a host). IMO, its most likely not going to work. But this will bump you for members with experience in this. HTH


New Member
It's possible but has to be done slowly. The best way would be to segregate the new fish so that it can be seen by the current resident, but can't be gotten to. Like an in-tank refugium or a critter cage, or breeder net. This would give the current fish time to become accustomed to the new one without actually being able to hurt it. Eventually, after a week or two, you could let the new one out and see how it goes.
The problem with placing another adult in the tank is that if both are the only residents of the tanks they came from, they are both likely to be female. This, I believe, would be a mistake as they will fight no matter what. Also, once female, I don't believe they can return to male.
Hopefully, this will bump this up in the rotation so that someone with more experience in this area will see it and give us both a complete answer.


Active Member
LizardWorks LOL, and we basically said the same thing. glinton But again, I will bump you for someone else with experience.


If you have a Q tank you could place both of them into there and they may be okay with each other. I would keep an eye on them very closely mainly at feeding time if the one seems to run the show (not allowing other to eat) then your probably wasting your time and should get rid of one. If you get rids of the adult makes sure if you go buy another you buy a pair. IMO anyways.


I have had sucess adding a black percula to a tank w/ 2 percs.(pair). they get along
But, if you want sucess, get a smaller one, it will be the male


Thank you so much for your replies.
I probably won't get the other adult. I just don't want to risk killing it. I may just get another fish that will peacefully live with the adult ocellaris.
Thanks again!


New Member
You could get another Ocellaris, but it should be a juvenile. And even then it may be wise to go through the acclimation procedures discussed above. There is going to be a period of adjustment for any fish that you add at this point.
Something else has just occured to me. How old is the Ocellaris you currently have? You say it has been in your tank for 9 mos. and that it is an adult. Are you sure that it is an adult? What criteria has led you to believe that it is? With this info, it may change the situation entirely. How big was it when you got it 9 mos. ago? If it was less than an inch, then it's not really all that likely to be an adult yet and the addition of a same species tankmate may be easier than we have been led to believe. The same questions would apply to the one that you could get from your friend as well.



Originally posted by LizardWorks
Are you sure that it is an adult? What criteria has led you to believe that it is? With this info, it may change the situation entirely. How big was it when you got it 9 mos. ago?

I wonder this myself