Advice for changing an UGF


I got some great advice yesturday on this and I want to running project by again and get a second opinon. I currently have a 29 gal tank with CC on the bottom with a powerhead attached to an UGF was told to remove the CC and replace it with LS with out using an UGF.
So what I did was buy a 20#bag of LS and I will put it on the bottom strait on the glass with no UGF
I am concerned that 20#LS and 10# LR will not be enouph, but will it hurt if I just add another bag of sand in a month or two and slowing continue to add 5# live rock a month
any advise?


New Member
I think adding the rock 5 lbs at a time should work. Just keep a close eye on your levels after adding any. I dont think those small quantities should cause a drastic ammonia spkie, but you never know.
As far as adding more sand, I dont believe that should be a problem, but I've also never had to do it. I would wait for a couple more opinions on that.