Advice for Fish


New Member
I have a three year-old established 30 gallon tank with 45 lbs. of fijian live rock. I would like to keep it a reef friendly tank but want advice as to what kind of fish I should get. I Have two percula clowns and a Cardinal. I would like to get a six line wrasse and I don't know what else? Anyone have some good ideas?


i just looked at ur tank specs and really you probably shouldn't be adding more fish maybe 1 but they can be kept in schools very peaceful and colorful


New Member
so forget about the Anthias. I am going to get a six-line wrasse and maybe two basslet... is this a good idea... any other suggestions?


iy you want to stay reef friendly, fewer fish are better and in a 30 I would say you are good. Why don't you add some corals instead. I just started a 30 gallon reef a few months ago and in my main tank and refugium combined I have about 65 lbs of live rock and am only going with 2 perculas, a serpent star, a shrimp of some sort and when the pod population gets up a mandarin. So I'm going w. 3 fish and inverts to keep waste down for corals to thrive!