I have a 29 gal with a pretty big wet/dry filter (was used previously in a 55 gal) I have about 7lbs of LR in my tank with about 15-20-lbs of base rock which i hope are getting to be live rock by now. The tank has been up (cycled) for around 3 months and I have had decent success. I am currently running chemi-pure (LFS recommended it, and didnt find anything on here that was really against it) and my water tests are all good, inverts are good and to the best of my knowledge everything is good in there.
I currently have:
Clean Up Crew
Lawnmower Blenny
Pink and Blue Shrimp Goby (which in all honesty i could take to the LFS, he was going to die in my friends tank so i took him).
I would like to add some fish and would like opinions on how many, which ones, and in what order I should add. I think my wish list is a bit large, which is why im on here asking for advice. I have done some research as to what fish will do well in a small tank like mine and have come up with this wish list (in no particular order):
potters angel
percula clown
valentini puffer
sixline wrasse
remember the shrimp goby can go (hes pretty big right now, close to 4 inches) I hear he doesnt really add a ton to the bioload though..??? Given that its a 29 gal, with a big wet/dry sump. Where should I stop? Is my list crazy? Id like the most fish possible without compromising thier health or my tank. Any imput is appreciated. Thanks.
I currently have:
Clean Up Crew
Lawnmower Blenny
Pink and Blue Shrimp Goby (which in all honesty i could take to the LFS, he was going to die in my friends tank so i took him).
I would like to add some fish and would like opinions on how many, which ones, and in what order I should add. I think my wish list is a bit large, which is why im on here asking for advice. I have done some research as to what fish will do well in a small tank like mine and have come up with this wish list (in no particular order):
potters angel
percula clown
valentini puffer
sixline wrasse
remember the shrimp goby can go (hes pretty big right now, close to 4 inches) I hear he doesnt really add a ton to the bioload though..??? Given that its a 29 gal, with a big wet/dry sump. Where should I stop? Is my list crazy? Id like the most fish possible without compromising thier health or my tank. Any imput is appreciated. Thanks.