Advice needed with my Lyretail Anthias.


Ok,here is what I need advice on.I have a 75gl and all of my test are good.I have several fish and all are doing great and fat.I have Lyretail Anthias which I love.She eat's but slow.She will only eat Mysis shrimp but that is it.We also feed flake's{Tetra Marine Flake's the rainbow blend}.She want eat them for nothing but all of our other fish eat whatever you put in there.The problem is that when when feed her the shrimp she is not getting very much because our clown fish is a PIG!!!!She is not as fast as all of the rest.So are we doing this right and if not what do we do so she dosn't starve to death?I have been worried about her!!!! :help:
:help: Thank's in advance!!!!!


About 2 week's.We thought she would start eating the flake's and she never has.We have had several other fish who would not eat the flakes at first and then start.So we thought she would.Is there something different I shoulld try?Thank's for replying!!!


I have had that anthia and my experience that fish actually doesn't eat that much. Beautiful fish that I miss greatly, that was probably my fav fish that I had. Lost him in a battle with ick, I believe the medication, not the ick. I do plan on getting one when my reef gets settled.