Advice needed!!!!!!!!


it depends on how you set up your tank. I've set up plenty of tanks from exicting ones = ls,lr used no skimmer/filter and used all the water from mature tank didn't have any spikes set it up fully with corals. there won't be a cycle if you use lr ,ls ,waterfrom an established tank, how? cycle is from die off. So not knowing where the lr,ls came from i wonder how ppl were so ready to say it will cycle? Now getting stock from lfs is different I'm just pointing this out for ppl who read this post for more accuracy imo/ime


Tomb, what I'd like to know is why do you keep asking for advice, and then you ignore it and announce what you did that is the opposite of what people recommended? Let me guess, you just brought back the damsels and bought a lionfish, because your water is perfect. Now you'd like to know what else can go in a 10 gallon tank with the lion.
Here's my advice: if you ask for advice, wait until you get a response before going back to your LFS.
Sorry about the rant, but as a newbie, I appreciate the input from the experienced folks and it bothers me when people come in here and squawk for a response and then ignore it if it doesn't agree with what they wanted to do in the first place. What's the motivation for others to post their opinion?
as to the other post on cycling from tomb: you said your tank has been up and running for a few weeks now, with no signs of anything? it is possible that you may be one of the lucky ones to not see a cycle, but i would most likely say you will. hey if not, more power to you, and you just saved a lot of time waiting.... :D


Hey Tomb, I have the same size of tank, and believe me, I know how you feel. Adding the two damsels is ok, it's not recommended, but it's ok. I added one sebae clown a week after I setup mine with 3 lbs of lr, yeah adding the fish is not the best decision I've ever made, but yeah he's still there right now, living, and eating like a pig :D . And no, I didn't miss the cycle. I saw my fishes struggled, and that wasn't fun. I added a damsel the next day after I added the clown, and probably couple of weeks later I returned him, because he's attacking my cleaner shrimp.
Make sure you have lots of lr and ls. I have the minimum amount of ls and lr recommended, but it's better than nothing. I have 10 lbs of lr, and 2 inches of ls. They're good because they help you filter your water too. And do weekly 10 percent water change.
As far as live stock goes, I have a sebae clown, small cleaner shrimp, sally lightfoot, really2 small emerald crab, five astrea snails, two small feather dusters and two red bali starfishes. Overstocking? I'm asking myself the same question, then again none of those critters produces significant amount of waste except the sebae and probably the cleaner shrimp.
Oh well, it's just a little sharing of my experience so far. Hope that helps you a little.
Uh forgot one thing, CLOWNFISH IS THE BEST!!!
Thanks to all 4 advice
TO iron reef:
i have lr ls and havn't seen any spike
for 3wks and 4 days.. I'm not sure what
you mean by when you asked "how?" but yes
all that was from and established tank.
and thank you again for your advice.
To Stupud naso:
The advice is exactly what i needed..
I have 18 lbs LR and 4 1/2 in LS
i will definatly take into consideration
your advice 4 clowns but i would like to know:
if Bangaii Cardinals are compadible w/ damsels
and/or clown fish? And lastly would you
reccomend 1 or 2 MAROON CLOWNS (my fav.)
for my tank.. wasn't quite sure also what they're compadible w/. Thank you stupid naso~! :D
TO BLackdog:
all i want to say is that i've already
fought Mr.Tang and got a 54 reply post
while the fight was progressing and if you
notify "fishhub" he will tell you that
"you best to not make me mad" I am found of
taking pepperoni and sticking it through
peoples heads....... <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />
before you bash someone..
(since your a newbie) try to get to know
this place and the regular people FIRST!!!
any way .....
:D :D


I would think that a 10g is a little small for a maroon clown. From everything that i read about they don't typically get along with eachother and they can attain a size of 5-6 inches.


Active Member
a 10 gallon is too small for a maroon, let alone 2,
and the bengaii would be fine with a percula or false perc clown, but probably not the damsel, chances are they will not beat it too awful bad, but the fin nipping could be detrimental for the bengaii, i would get either a pair of perculas or a pair of beangaiis or 1 of each, but NO MORE
and stupid naso, i got some good news for you, the shrimp does not add enough to your bio load 4 you to worry about, so you are fine there, especiallyid you are able to maintain everything without difficulty
okay then i won't get a maroon clown
stupid lfs........
i think i'll do a bangaii and
a false percula.. yea.. okay.
thank you all for advice on maroons!!
:D :) :D :)
and it would be your fault for starting it ...
don't mess wit me tang!!!!
<img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
hehe ha ha No hard feelings? u?
<img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
tsukino usagi,


how??? IME setting up a tank from an established tank= lfs or another IMO isn't the same than setting up a tank from your own main system= you never know how old the lr really was or the ls? If you set up from a truly established system everything there shouldn't be a cycle... why would there be unless you drove for a few hours and things started to die.