Advice on a float switch?


Active Member
I've finally overflowed my RODI storage container one too many times and I am looking for a float switch that will shut down the water flow when the container gets full. I have a Coralife 4 stage 50gpd RODI and my storage container is a 50 gallon brute garbage can. Anyone have any recommendations?
Also, how exactly, do these things work? I understand the float in the container part, but is there some type of electronically controlled valve that turns off the water supply to the RO unit?

sign guy

Active Member
im under the imprestion you only need two things.
1 a preasure vesal with automatic shut off
2 float valve
here is a pic of the end cap of my presure vesal
the blue fittinings are on oppisete ends of the presure vesal and conect to each other by a line
