Advice on chosing fish


I have a 120 galoon tank. 80lbs LS and 160 lbs of LR. Take a look at the fish I want to put together.
2 percula clowns
2 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 flame angel
1 lawn mower blenny
1 mandarin goby
4 green chromis
1 firefish
1 yellow watchman
1 blue hippo tang
1 yellow tang
1 yellow eyed tang
1 naso tang
20 blue/red crabs
snails/lettuce slug
Please look at my list and tell me if I should take anything away. Is this too many fish? Also, please give me some suggestions on adding other fish to give my aquarium some character. I am new, so I would like fish that aren't so fragile.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!
List looks ok to me, except for the TANGS. Do a lot of research on them. They like to kill each other, and they all need a lot of room to swim.
The Mandarin eats pods. They must be kept in a mature tank, preferably with a refugium that can supply them with an unlimited supply of pods to eat. A few people have gotten lucky and got their mandarins to eat, but not many...


Active Member
Just put the Yellow tang in last and you should be ok... And get a fairly small one, dont worry he will grow. The blue tangs get Ick fairly easy so if he gets too stressed he will def. come down with it. Otherwise it all looks good. Include what Journeyman said about the Mandarin. I have one in both my tanks. If you wait a good 6 months you can probly ( i do ) get by with out a refugium. Either way you go good luck and Welcome!!


Active Member
I'd knock off a couple of the tangs from your list, if you want corals you will have a heck of a time keeping your water clean with that many fish.


Active Member
Depends on the fish, you could have quite a few small ones, but tangs get big and need lots of space.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Depends on the fish, you could have quite a few small ones, but tangs get big and need lots of space.
yup.. Guess you said it better than I did.


New Member
Hi I also have a new 125g tank. Our fish list look almost the same. I have been told that the naso's get to big for my tank. I also have read on another forum that you should have 5g of water for every inch of fish roughly. How long has your tank been set-up? Are you already cycled? I am still waiting another week or so to make sure I won't have more die-off. I really didn't have much of a cycle. I even used cocktail shrimp to help things along. I never got much of an ammonia spike. I guess most of my rock was fully cured. Let me know how things are going. Tmkx3 :cheer: