advice on companys fish tank


I know this company that has a insane tank! the only problem is that its Way over stocked In my opinion and things keep Dieing. It does not seem like the guy serviceing the tank has any idea what he's doing. All he is doing is throwing fish in and calling it a day.
So i wanted to know everyones opinion on this matter so i can see if i can help the guy and the company properly care for these fish. I feel bad every time i hear someone say OH well our star polyps are dieing again or where did the Goby ill do a run down of the tank so you can see what im talking about. And if you can let me know what you think of the setup.
butterfly with the black spot
hippo tang
niger trigger
four clown fish
cherry hawk fish
light whit angel
6 line wrasse
a few cleaner shrimp
5 crabs
a dead goby (they called the fish guy and he never came to take it out)
about five sand star fish
and two serpent starfish (they're really big ones too).
about four anenomes
there was two big patches of star polyps but one has died completely
some frog spawn
a small patch of the regular brown polyps
two patches of the cand cane (there was 3)
a couple mushrooms
colt coral
just to name a few
3 small power heads that i can see
1 protein skimmer


well, it doesn't sound like it's overstocked fish-wise, but it definately sounds like the guy doesn't know what he's doing... or at least that he's not taking care of it very well. I'd suggest to the company that they find someone else to maintain the tank... like yourself perhaps. a little extra money!


a couple pics there blury cause my GF took them with her phone cammera
the Dead side of the tank

the Dead side again


Talk to your boss about the tank and why things keep dying. Take a water sample and test levels to prove service is the problem. If you want the responsibility set up a service package for the company or recommend another service guy if you know anyone or trust your lfs to recommend a reputable service guy.
Take care


i would but its not my company its my girl friends. Bring some of the water home...thats a good idea. time to step it up a notch and get 007 style.


Active Member
Some companies that service tanks also "sell" fish, so as long as the company that owns the tank doesn't know any better, it can be lucrative for the service company...if they have no ethics at least. Overall, though, it doesn't look like a terrible tank. I've seen far worse, for sure....