Advice On Fish Selection


New Member
Hello all Im new to this saltwater game but deff not new to the aquarium world. annnyways i was looking for some diversity in my tank and want alot of color in there. currently i have a 90 gallon with a sump and a skimmer. right now i have 70 lbs of sand and 15 lbs of base rock. i am looking for 75 lbs of live rock to go on top of the base rock. the fish that I currently want...
1. Mated pair of perc clowns
2. Blue Hippo Tang
3. dwarf lion
4. powder brown tang
5. sum sort of angelfish... like a flameback or a coral beauty
6. mandarin dragonet
7. snowflake eel
these are in no specific order by any means. i just wanted your opinions on these fish. any help is much appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by racer1113
Hello all Im new to this saltwater game but deff not new to the aquarium world. annnyways i was looking for some diversity in my tank and want alot of color in there. currently i have a 90 gallon with a sump and a skimmer. right now i have 70 lbs of sand and 15 lbs of base rock. i am looking for 75 lbs of live rock to go on top of the base rock. the fish that I currently want...
1. Mated pair of perc clowns
2. Blue Hippo Tang
3. dwarf lion
4. powder brown tang
5. sum sort of angelfish... like a flameback or a coral beauty
6. mandarin dragonet
7. snowflake eel
these are in no specific order by any means. i just wanted your opinions on these fish. any help is much appreciated.
You'll get varying opinions on the tangs but IMO/IME neither are suited for a 90 gallon tank. If anything, choose a smaller species like a kole or tomeni. A pair of clowns is always nice. Either of the angelfish would work provided the tank is mature and has consistantly stable water parameters. Eels are neat but generate a lot of waste and can be risky with smaller fish. I'd skip this if it were my tank. The dwarf lion may also decide to eat any smaller fish (clowns, mandarin).
I'd go with the kole tang, clowns, angel, and then consider one of the fairy wrasses and something like a royal gramma or blackcap basslet. Stock it conservatively.


Active Member
I totally agree with the suggestions of the above post by Nicetry. Couldn't have said it better myself. Lesley


Active Member
I have a SFE in my 55 reef and it doesnt mess with any of my smaller fish so I believe it all depends on your particular eel. I like your fish list, other than I think I would change the angel for a Flame Angel, I think they have the most color and look great in any tank. If you do get a SFE just get it when it is quite small, and when you feed it, use a feeding stick and put the food right in front of it so it doesnt have to "hunt" for the food. Eventually it will get lazy and will just wait to be fed, kind of like how cleaner shrimp stop cleaning after a little while, the food given is just so much easier.


New Member
thank you for the responses... as you can tell im just starting this and really have no idea on what fish i can have with what... also i want to have some shrimp and the typical "cleaning crew" will any of these fish harm my crew...