Advice on last fish


I have a 20 gallon fowlr with a cleaner wrasse, pearl jawfish, fire shrimp, cleaner shrimp, and various snails and hermits. I need a good suggestion on a fish that would be active and safe with my inverts, cause i will be adding more shrimp soon. But mainly active and sorry no nemos! i Appreciate the suggestions. Thanks


New Member
I like the barnacle blennies u can check em out on DR Fosters
i just got a pygmy angel but i heard u have to monitor them wish me luck


definately a 6 lined wrasse. completely shrimp-safe, and always active! also, one of the most beautiful fish you can buy for under 40 bucks lol. I'de highly suggest them, I was suggested one earlier on here, and i bought one, and i've had him a week and I love it. I wish they wouldnt be territorial to others of the same speicies, or ide get 2 more lol. they're awsome fish