Advice On Many Questions Please


Im going to start by saying if your not sure of the questions im asking, please dont reply. But I would like a some friends to talk to about this hobby so please keep me in mind.First off my nickname is Cross. my real name is Laura.I have been in this hobby for a few years now with pretty much success, but I want the best for my fish and corals and verts as much as possible.Im new to this site and it is pretty awesome except I see alot of people downing people when thet just need help or offer suggestions.
thats just not right.Ok I'll get to my points and my questions..I have a 65 gallon tank with a refugium on the bottom and have bio balls, skimmer, etc..The fish I have in there are 8 clowns(no maroons :D ) one pajama cardinal, 2 firefish (red and purple) 2 cleaner shrimp, one yellow goby, one blue jawfish, red starfish (small) choc chip starfish (small) lots of corals includeing one big anemone, one small anemone, hammers,etc etc.I have about 70 lbs or alittle less of live rock, live sand, and next week is coming a uv sterilizer. I was just telling you what I have so you can get a feel for these questions.ok, now, I bought this awesome tank from someone in miami, I have had it for a month or so now and all is well. But Im haveing green hairlike algae on the rocks and brownish algae grow on the bottom of my tank. I cut my lighting down from 12 hours a day to 6. This seemed to help alot. I started feeding every other day now instead of everyday. I feed them nutrofin max. It seems to have the most vitamins out of most other products.I try to feed live mysid shrimp once a week when I can.Also put seaweed on a clip every 4 days or so.So first my question was for the algae, now my second is water. I used to use publix RO water untill I tested and tested my home delivery carolina water, witch has 0 nitrates and so on every time I tested it.Should I continue to use this or used distilled or RO again? 3rd question is I use kent products to feed my corals, when I put it in my tank, should I put it directly into the aquarium or in my refugium whare my plants are? Also, when should I put the purpleup in? Can I put it in when I use my calcium/coral liquids? I use iodine for my starfish one a week. Can the purpleup be making any problems for me? I test my water at least once a week or whenever I need too. seems ok.I do 2 water changes every month. One every two weeks. About 10%.If these questions seem stupied than im sorry.I bought the system with all thats in it and actually got rid of the tangs that were in it.So I wanna make sure im doing everything 100%. Thank you for the advice.. :yes:


Active Member
Do you have any snails or hermit crabs? They eat algae. So do emerald crabs.
Any water from anywhere should have 0 nitrates, unless it's dirty water. Copper, lead, other metals and phosphates are what you should be worried about. Test the water you are using for phosphates... it can fuel algae growth. Also a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter will tell you if your water is pure. It should read 0 ppm (parts per million).
I use purpleup in my RO top off water a couple times a week.
Your starfish don't need that iodine additive... your water changes supply it.
8 clowns is a lot in a 65. They will contribute a lot of waste to the system. If it were me I'd trade some to the LFS for corals! :D
CC starfish sometimes eat coral so keep an eye on him.
Welcome to the boards!


I have 1 sally light foot, 2 emerald crabs and no blue legs yet. I ordered 40 and should be here tuesday.I have some turbo snails also.


Active Member
How many turbo snails? I have 4 and they keep my 46 gallon spotless. Maybe consider some mexican turbos.. I think you want like 2 snails per 5 gallons of water ( I dont quite follow that rule ).
Phosphates is what algae loves.. you should probably keep using RO water from publix (what do you pay a gallon for this btw?). Are you feeding your fish more than they can consume in a very short amount of time? Try cutting back your feeding.. Light 'feeds' algae.. but your clean up crew should really take care of the algae even when you have your lights on 12 hours.. so hopefully once you get those hermits in you'll be doing better!
As far as your supplments you're adding.. unless the bottle says to put them in a certain way then i'd say how you put them in is your choice. You are doing water changes every other week.. some will say you dont need to add iodine.. I am a fan of using it myself. I find the results are better when I use it than when I dont.
So uh.. I guess what I WANT to say is.. increase zee cleaning crew ! =c)


thanks yeah, i am getting those blue leg crabs in a few days..i just did a Phosphates test and it read 0.25 or 0.50 one of those..and my ph was 8.3


i cut back on their feeding to every other day.this along with lights only on 6 hours a day should really help hopefully.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cross
So first my question was for the algae, now my second is water. I used to use publix RO water untill I tested and tested my home delivery carolina water, witch has 0 nitrates and so on every time I tested it.Should I continue to use this or used distilled or RO again?
I'd call up carolina and find out a) what method they use to purify the water b) if there are any minerals added back in for taste and c) if they have any data sheets on the trace elements in the water. If they use RO and don't add anything back in, it should be the same as RO water from another source.


Active Member
I'm new here, too! I have read a LOT on these boards and can tell you most everyone is helpful and nice. (THE AQUARIUM forum gets a little tense. But that is usually NOT about fish etc.)
There is a ton of stuff on here that will help. Searching can get you some answers but don't hesitate to ask!!
Enjoy and welcome again.


I don't have an answer for you, but a question. I have standard flourescent lights in my tank, as they age algea can get out of hand. I am assuming you have higher watt lights in your tank, but since you just bought this set up do you know how old the lights are? A small possibility that I do know about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cross
thanks yeah, i am getting those blue leg crabs in a few days..i just did a Phosphates test and it read 0.25 or 0.50 one of those..and my ph was 8.3
That's really high on phosphates. Shoot for 0.03.


The Lights Are Newer. My Algae Problem Was From Leaving My Lights On Too Long. I Leave Them On For Only 6 Hours Now. It Seems Alot Better And I Had To ADJUST My Flow IN My Refugium..


I Also Use Pc Lights I Had Metal H But It Got My Tank Way Too Hot.i Cant Afford A Big Chiller Right Now So I Installed A Fan In My Canopy That Hits My Lights. Now My Temp Stays At A 75-76 Degrees All The Time!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cross
I Also Use Pc Lights I Had Metal H But It Got My Tank Way Too Hot.i Cant Afford A Big Chiller Right Now So I Installed A Fan In My Canopy That Hits My Lights. Now My Temp Stays At A 75-76 Degrees All The Time!!
How do your corals look with your MH lights off? I always thought that anemones needed more than just PC lights.